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Information according to § 5 E-Commerce Act and disclosure according to § 25 Media Act:


MMag. Annemarie Kocijan

nutritionist & pharmacist

Optimal food eU

one-man business

Wohllebengasse 9/5, 1040 Wien

01 9346207


Company name according to the commercial register: OPTIMAL ESSEN e.U.

Business name: Nutrition counseling

Year of foundation: 2014

Company register number: 407645d

Company court: Commercial court Vienna


Legal form: Single person company

Member of the WKO (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich) 

Trade regulations:

Supervisory authority, trade authority: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des 4./5. Bezirks“


Trade license: Life and social counseling, limited to nutritional counseling, issued by the authority according to ECG: Magistratisches Bezirksamt of the IV. district.

Photos: Katharina Khoss, Stefan Joham and MMag. Annemarie Kocijan

Design: Katharina Khoss Design


The information on the website is constantly monitored and updated. Any liability or guarantee for the completeness, timeliness or accuracy is not assumed. Despite careful control, I assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators are responsible for the content of their linked pages. The information provided on this homepage is for general information only and does not replace a personal consultation. Liability for damages that may arise from information presented on this homepage is excluded.


The copyrights of this website are owned by All information, e.g. texts, graphics, images and downloads are protected by copyright. If the copyrights are held by third parties, this is noted in each individual case. Any partial or commercial use of the contents of this website must be approved in writing in advance by MMag. Annemarie Kocijan.

Responsible for the content: MMag. Annemarie Kocijan


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